Emma Freeman spoke about studying philosophy and art and how the two continue to mesh in her work. I loved the metaphor she shared about breaking down barriers – this image of softening walls and opening doors. I imagine a space where the walls bend and squish as we reshape a more equitable, welcoming, uplifting world. She talked about the possibilities she sees in art education and how encouraging free creation is such a healing process.

Emma also shared her experience with opening a shop, putting her creative work out into the world in many different formats, and leaning on her art practice to get through difficult times.
I especially loved hearing about how she’s overcome creative blocks and overcome that fear of not being good enough. I feel that so much! Do you? When Emma talked about feeling like if you can’t draw realistically super well, you’re not an artist, that resonated so much to me. Her way out of that struggle through play and exploration is so gentle yet powerful.

Emma Freeman is a queer mixed media artist and teaching artist. She is a highly sensitive, silly and soulful person. Emma is a tactile, experimental artist who uses many different mediums, tools and techniques in her work including textiles, fibers, collage, printmaking, drawing, stitching, and cyanotype. Art making is healing, meditative, and empowering for Emma and she loves sharing the gifts of the creative process through teaching art classes to kids and adults.
She also has a podcast called Reflections From My Art Table, so go listen! Her episodes are full of poetry and gentle wisdom.

- www.emmafreemandesigns.com
- @emmafreemandesigns on Instagram
- EmmaFreemanArt on Facebook
- Emma’s Etsy shop
- Emma’s designs on Spoon flower
- Emma’s designs on Society 6
- Emma’s podcast – Reflections From My Art Table
- Doug Beasley
- Lisa Congdon
- Boro textiles from Japan
- Enso zen circle painting
- “Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors” by Rudine Sims Bishop

[…] Emma Freeman […]