Submit to be a Featured Artist

Apply to be a Featured Artist! Each featured artist has their work shared on our social media, mentioned in the podcast, and shared on our website.

If you are not selected right away, we will keep your work on file and may reach out in the future for a feature or interview. We are excited to see your work!

To apply, there are 3 steps:

  1. Complete the form below.

2. Email 3-5 images to Please make sure the images you submit are suitable for sharing. Here’s a checklist for images:

  • Clear, in focus, well-lit
  • Include only the artwork without busy backgrounds
  • Minimum 1100px X 1100px
  • Maximum 2mb per image

3. Pay the $5 application fee. Please pay below.

Featured Artist Submission Fee

Here’s more information about what the fee is used for and our stance on submission fees.

Thank you! We look forward to reviewing your work.

Check out our other opportunities for artists!