Episode 67: Carly Terreson: The Body In Community

Hearing about Carly’s process of creation with her whole body in consideration of her community was inspiring. She spoke about growing up with an artist father and how that shaped her. I so often hear from artists whose parents had trepidations about a career in the arts or thought of it more as a hobby. It was interesting hearing how an artist parent can normalize the arts as a valid career path while also bringing awareness to the challenges of this path.

Carly also shared how the pandemic has impacted her as a teaching artist and her focus on her practice during this time. I loved the idea of naming our discomforts and communicating clearly as this world continues to shift. She discussed de-centering herself in the classroom and the constant work to check her biases.

We talked about seeing the behind-the-scenes of the gallery world, building community as an artist, and shifting scales. 

Carly Terreson is an artist, storyteller, and educator. Carly earned her BFA from California College of the Arts in Oakland, CA in Painting and Community Arts. She also completed the Community Teaching Artist Certificate Program from the Department of Cultural Affairs and CalState Los Angeles. She has worked in many of the Bay Area’s arts organizations and schools as an arts educator and youth and disability advocate. Her work has been featured in shows in New York and the Bay Area including the San Francisco Women’s Building and WomensWork.Art in New York. She has attended Luminous Bodies residency in Toronto, ON and has co-led residencies and workshops out of her own home.

Artist’s Statement:

My work examines the relationships with self and others through an intersectional feminist lens. I reveal the layered complexities of being in a body, how we live with each other, and moving towards collective liberation and understanding through the processes of painting, sculpture, printmaking and performance. I aim to tell stories through specific intimate moments. My practice is intertwined and informed by and with my community interactions, human experience and connections.

If we haven’t seen already, this year has shown that organizing, acting and thinking collectively is how change sustains and impacts, starting in our communities leading to larger systemic shifts in power. As an educator, artist and someone living in our world, I am always working to be better in my relationships, as a community member, teacher, artist and advocate.
